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Aromatherapist Career Information

Do you have a keen sense of smell? Can you put people at ease, by talking to them and hearing them out? Do you like experimenting? Lastly, would you like flexi timings in your job? Then, why not be an aromatherapist? Let's see what this profession is all about…

What an Aromatherapist does

Abilities & Traits Required

• You should enjoy smelling.

• You need to be a good listener to be able to give a patient hearing to your clients.

• A friendly nature will help put your clients at ease.

• Also you need to be well-groomed if you want people to flock to you.


There are no specific qualifications required to become an aromatherapist.


There are no fixed income scales for aroma therapists. It all depends on your area of specialization and your experience.

If you work with a salon, the pay package depends on the popularity of the salon. You could get anywhere between Rs 3500- 10000 a month, depending on your position in the salon.

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