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I am currently studying in class 12th (Science) and would like to pursue Engineering from a reputed university in UK. Do I need to give the IELTS? I also intend to apply only to the top 10 engineering schools kindly advice the names of the university and the procedure. Also where could I get the study material for the IELTS?

Subham Umalkar
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017
Conversations: 1

1 Comment

YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017

To apply to a UK university you need to take the IELTS or the TOEFL. You can register for this exam through the British Council or log on to www.ielts.org to register. To prepare for the test refer to the IELTS Preparation and Practice Tests by Oxford Publishers and Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS. In order to apply for admissions to UK universities, you need to fill the UCAS form available on www.ucas.com. You can state your grades, upload your essay and even send an online recommendation form through the UCAS. Therefore, in essence you do not need to send any documents to the universities. Once you are admitted, you can send your official documents to the university. Reputed universities Cambridge University, Imperial college London, University college London, City university, University of Glasgow, University of Southampton, University of Birmingham & University of Manchester.