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Application Programmers Career Information

What an Application Programmers does

Abilities & Traits Required


It requires students to have a basic programming knowledge, understanding of Database concepts and elementary arithmetic skills. Students should also have a working knowledge of basic HTML. Competence is required in a relevant programming language (such as C, C++, COBOL, Prolog, and Pascal), operating system (such as Windows 98 or XP, Windows NT or 2000, and Unix), and sometimes database (such as MS Access, SQL, Sybase, Ingress and Oracle). Usually a BSc Computer Science or a Bachelor's degree in another field along with a Certificate or AA degree in programming is required.


Computer professionals enjoy a high level of remuneration at work. Most of them command good salaries.

Median annual earnings of computer programmers were Rs. 400000 – 500000.

The middle 50 percent usually earns between Rs. 250000 - 35000 a year. The low-income group earns between Rs. 100000 – 200000.

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